“Our true home is in the present moment…Peace is all around us – in the world and in nature- and within us- in our bodies and our spirits. Once we learn to touch this peace, we will be healed and transformed…It is a matter of practice.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Now more than ever in our busy world we need meditation. Like yoga, meditation is a way to nourish and care for self whether it be as a way to start, end or have a break in the day. Taking charge of our own well being is what life is all about.
Yoga and meditation are inseparable even if the practice of one does not require the practice of the other. Yoga, with its movement linked to the breath, improves relaxation and concentration.
These are both elements essential to meditation. The meaning of yoga is union or the interconnectedness of all things. The practice of meditation is the actual experience of this union.
Initiated into Transcendental Meditation as a teenager Leslie practiced TM for many years before trying mindfulness and eventually yogic meditation. She greatly enjoys meditating in a group. Leslie has lead groups in guided meditation at the International School of Geneva and the UN.
Meditation with Leslie typically includes a grounding exercise, guided breathwork and bringing awareness to body and breath.
The practice of meditation is known to:
- Eliminate anxiety and fear
- Develop self esteem
- Transform thoughts
- Lead to self renewal